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Easy Ways To Stop Eating Sugar

How To Stop Sugar Cravings Naturally

It’s clear that we have reached epic proportions in today’s society with having the highest population ever afflicted with obesity and type II diabetes. Almost everything we eat and drink has added sugar. We live in a world where we make less time for cooking and convenience is the key. With that convenience comes an abundance of ready made, highly processed foods riddled with carbohydrates and sugar. Fortunately, there is a patented, all-natural product developed over 12 years by two-time Nobel prize nominee, Dr Joseph Ahrens which substantially reduces the negative effects of carbohydrates. The product is Emulin, the world’s first and only carbohydrate manager. Emulin is a formulation of 4 natural compounds which have inadvertently been removed from our diet through modern day agricultural and food processing practices. Emulin minimizes inflammation as it manages the body’s blood sugar while helping the body defend against the dangers caused by sugar and carbohydrates.

So many people depend on instant, processed foods for their meals and/or snacks and because these often contain added sugar, it ends up being the bulk of their daily calories. On food labels, added sugars will include words like glucose, corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, as well as many more.

According to a January 2017 published medical report by the NCBI, added sugars account for up to 17% of the total calorie intake of adults and up to 14% for children in the United States. Most of this comes from beverages, including energy drinks, alcoholic drinks, soda, fruit drinks, and sweetened coffee and teas, says the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). However, Americans are in the habit of gaining their extra calories through soda consumption which has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes, in addition to the rise in obesity, according to a study published in November 2013 in the American Journal of Public Health. The other cause is snacks which includes more than the traditional sweet treats such as cookies, ice cream and brownies. In addition there are vast amounts of added sugar found in breads, salad dressing, granola bars, and even fat-free yogurt. Actually, one survey found that high-calorie sweeteners are in over 95 percent of cereals, sugar sweetened drinks, and granola bars, most often in the form of corn syrup, sorghum, and cane sugar.


We are exposed to such a plethora of ready-to-go, processed foods which are filled with too many carbohydrates and sugar as well as added calories and little nutritional value.

It may be unrealistic to think everybody can eliminate sugar completely from their diets since sugar in its natural state (found in sugar cane and fruits), contains beneficial fibre, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. The biggest difference between this natural sugar and the refined sugar added to processed foods is the way in which the body metabolizes it.  The body breaks down refined sugar rapidly, causing insulin and blood sugar levels to skyrocket. One doesn’t feel full after eating, regardless of the amount of calories consumed, as refined sugar is digested so quickly.

We aren't supposed to enjoy sugars in such concentrated amounts. Consuming sugar in high concentration as in sodas cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels progressing to damaging results. In nature, sugar is found surrounded by fiber and comes in a ‘container’ that produces a shorter blood sugar response which makes us feel satisfied and feeling full longer. Results from a study published in August 2011 in the journal Appetite suggested that drinking soda triggers sweet cravings by dulling your sensitivity to sweet tastes, sparking a vicious cycle of eating sweet foods and drinks. Many people have switched to diet sodas to reduce their caloric intake and cut out the refined sugar however, a study published in March 2015 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that diet soda intake is directly related to abdominal obesity in adults over age 65. The increase in waist circumference among diet soda drinkers was three times the amount in non-drinkers.

“While you're not getting the same amount of calories or sugar from a diet soda that you would from a regular one, the belief is that with diet soda the body senses the sweet flavor and craves the calories that would normally go with that flavor,” notes Kelly Kennedy, RD, nutritionist for Everyday Health. “As a result, people end up ‘making up’ for the missed calories in other foods that they eat throughout the day.”

More recent studies in this area have shown that sugar has similar effects on the brain not unlike addiction to some street drugs. In fact, sugar is more addictive than cocaine. The addictive behaviour is linked to the release of opioids and dopamine. Sugar activates the opiate receptors in the brain and the release of dopamine is linked to the addictive or compulsive behaviour, as you feel pleasure or a ‘reward’ high that you are inclined to re-experience and as a result repeat the behaviour. Repeating the behaviour causes the brain to adjust by releasing less dopamine so the only way to experience the same pleasure is by repeating this behaviour with greater frequency and in higher amounts. This becomes a compulsive behaviour, despite the negative repercussions. “Studies suggest that every time we eat sweets we are reinforcing those neuropathways, causing the brain to become increasingly hardwired to crave sugar, building up a tolerance like any other drug,” states Cassie Bjork, R.D., L.D., founder of Healthy Simple Life.

Now, if you have ever tried to ”detox” to cut out sugar altogether, then you’ll know that you’ll go through sugar withdrawal and the varied side effects or symptoms associated with it as your body starts adapting to find new sources of energy. Once you dramatically reduce your sugar intake, your blood sugar will drop. Many people report common side effects such as headaches and fatigue as well as nausea.

Now, there is help! Emulin’s patented formulation of compounds, myricetin, quercetin, cholorgenic acid and gallic acid, help the body to conquer the damaging, toxic effects of carbs in a holistic and natural way. These powerful ingredients benefit overall health and dramatically reduce the risk of inflammatory disease. Emulin prevents the absorption of sugar to the small intestine and diverts the sugar that’s in the blood to the muscles instead of the fat tissues. In effect, it acts as a “sugar chaperone”. The antioxidants within minimize inflammation and fight aging. Emulin not only reduces your caloric intake by 33%, it’s additional benefits include mental clarity, weight loss, greater energy and improved, quality sleep.

All carbs become sugar and it’s important to remember that cancer is an inflammatory response. Kidney disease comes from diabetes or hypertension which both come from inflammation. Cancer cannot grow without inflammation. Inflammation is the root of almost all disease, so it’s crucial to take control of your health by taking control of inflammation. This is the first generation in history where our children won’t live as long as us|. We are not living longer, we are dying longer! Since 1975 the increase in child obesity has grown tenfold and the global rate of diabetes in 2001 was 151 million versus 366 milliion in 2011.

While carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy and an essential part of a healthy diet, it’s important to know they are not all created equal.

Emulin is vital to protecting your body from the dangerous effects of carbohydrates and excess sugar while minimizing inflammation. It’s entirely up to you what you put in your mouth, but if you’re ready to reduce your sugar intake and journey towards a healthier lifestyle Emulin will help you to succeed.